With Juana Maillot
Juana Maillot, Holder of a Master's degree in Creation Research and Innovation Color and various diplomas in the field of object design and crafts; clay has followed me for several years and became my favorite material during my training at the Maison de la Céramique in Dieulefit in 2017-2018.
I teach color all year round at EMAP in Macon as well as ceramics at the Maison de la Céramique in Dieulefit and at the Atelier Aimée in Belgium.
Installed since the winter of 2019, my workshop is located at Le Coing, a pretty collective crazy about humanity in a village in Southern Burgundy
The workshop is suitable for all types of ceramic levels.
The workshop Objectives:
to understand the material clay, to experiment its plastic and chromatic qualities, to venture into new forms with the new forms with the pinched and columbine technique.
- To see the clay: the compositions of industrial pastes, the gleaned clays, different grogs...
- Reveal and experiment with the nuances of clay, through the work of polishing, textures, firings and finishes.
- Creation of a clay color chart.
- Discover the different modeling techniques: from pinching to from pinched to different ways of making colombins.
- Work on the line of a pot & create a range of objects.
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